EU orders Britain's organic farmers to treat sick animals with homeopathy

EU orders Britain's organic farmers to treat sick animals with homeopathySarah Knapton, Science Editor and Richard Orange 9:00PM BST 24 Apr 2015

British organic farmers are being forced to treat their livestock with homeopathic remedies under new European Commission rules branded ‘scientifically illiterate’ by vets.

Although homeopathy has been branded as ‘rubbish’ by the government’s Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies, organic farmers have been told they must try it first under a new EU directive which came into force in January.

The regulation means that animals could be left diseased or in pain for far longer than necessary and organic meat could end up containing higher levels of bacteria, vets have warned.

John Blackwell, President of the British Veterinary Association, said: “We should always use medicines which have a strong science base and homeopathic remedies are not underpinned by any strong science.

“Disease is painful and farmers have an obligation to reduce that pain and not allow their animals to suffer so this regulation is troubling. It may lead to serious animal health and welfare detriment.

“If animals are not treated promptly it could lead to an underlying level of pathogen which could mean that the animal was no longer fit for human consumption.”

Homeopathy is nonsense, says new chief scientist

The directive states that: “it is a general requirement…for production of all organic livestock that (herbal) and homeopathic products… shall be used in preference to chemically-synthesised allopathic veterinary treatment or antibiotics.”

Supporters claim that homeopathy can treat everything from depression to hay fever, the theory being that substances that produce the symptoms of an ailment can cure it once they have been watered down many times to reduce their strength.

Advocates of the practice claim the water retains a “memory” of the original substance.

Homeopathy is witchcraft, say doctors

However in 2010, the Science and Technology Committee ruled there was no evidence that the drugs were any more effective than a placebo while a meta-analysis by The Lancet found the treatment worked no better than a sugar-pill.

Critics argue that a placebo effect cannot possibly work on animals because they are unaware they are being treated.

The Department for Food and Rural Affairs admitted that organic farmers were bound by the new regulations but said they could resort to other means, such as antibiotics, without losing their ‘organic’ status if homeopathic remedies proved to be ineffective.

It even emerged that the British government had voted in favour of the new rules.

Why do we believe in homeopathy? Ten tricks the brain plays on us

Last week The Norwegian Veterinary Association called on their government to begin discussions with the European Union to ensure that only “scientifically documented” therapies are recommended in future.

Vets in Norway have also called on their country’s Food Standards Agency to delay fully implementing the directive in protest at the “ridiculous” guidelines.

“We think it’s totally unacceptable from a scientific point of view because there’s no scientific basis for using homeopathy,” Ellef Blakstad, scientific director of the Norwegian Veterinary Association, adding that the move was “scientifically illiterate”.

“If you start using homeopathy, you prolong the time when the animals are not getting adequate treatment and that’s a threat to animal welfare.”

The Soil Association, one of the leading bodies certifying organic produce in the UK is broadly supportive of homeopathy.

Natasha Collins-Daniel, the Soil Association’s press officer, stressed that while the use of homeopathic treatments was “not mandatory” to gain an organic certification, it could be effective.

“We have significant collective experience from livestock farmers and vets showing that herbal treatments and homeopathic approaches can help them care for their animals,” she said.

Homeopathy has prominent supporters including the Prince of Wales and Jeremy Hunt, the health secretary, however in recent years many NHS trusts have stopped funding the treatments, with prescriptions falling by 94 per cent in the last 20 years.


Armstrong, S. (2009). A homeopathic approach to cancer in animals. Homeopath Pract, 2009(2), 56.

Baptista Haine, G., Ghandour, S. E., Ghandour, S. E., & Ricardo Fréz, A. (2012). Assessment of homeopathic medicine Aconitum napellus in the treatment of anxiety in an animal model. International Journal Of High Dilution Resarch, 11(38), 33-42.

Costa, L. J., & Furlong, J. (2011). Efficiency of sulphur in garlic extract and non-sulphur homeopathy in the control of the cattle tick Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus. Medical And Veterinary Entomology, 25(1), 7-11. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2915.2010.00909.x Ribeiro Almeida, A. L., Barros e Silva, A. G., Lacerda, E. B., de Almeida Rezende Machado, N. V., Pereira, A. L., & da Silva, S. M. (2014). Pregnant dairy goats endoparasites reduced by commercial populational Homeopathy. International Journal Of High Dilution Resarch, 13(47), 135-136.

Klocke, P., Ivemeyer, S., Butler, G., Maeschli, A., & Heil, F. (2010). A randomized controlled trial to compare the use of homeopathy and internal Teat Sealers for the prevention of mastitis in organically farmed dairy cows during the dry period and 100 days post-calving. Homeopathy: The Journal Of The Faculty Of Homeopathy, 99(2), 90-98. doi:10.1016/j.homp.2009.12.001

Oberbaum, M., Spira, R. M., Lukasiewicz, E., Armon, Y., Samuels, N., Singer, S. R., & ... Hersch, M. (2011). Effect of Traumeel S on Cytokine Profile in a Cecal Ligation and Puncture (CLP) Sepsis Model in Rats. Journal Of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 17(10), 909-913. doi:10.1089/acm.2011.0205

Šoch, M., Zábranský, L., Janoušková, A., Šimková, A., Švejdová, K., Čermák, B., & ... Maršálek, M. (2014). Influence of Alternative Methods in Treatment and Precaution of Cow Mastitis. Scientific Papers: Animal Science & Biotechnologies / Lucrari Stiintifice: Zootehnie Si Biotehnologii, 47(2), 342-346.

and the list goes on - but sure - there is definitely more that needs to be done... so help fund RESEARCH in Homeopathy so that there can be more research done!

Fractures healed faster and had better alignment with homeopathy Homeopathic remedies are regularly used to accelerate the healing of fractures, enhance callus formation and reduce pain. While these benefits have been reported by patients and prescribers in clinical practice, there has been an absence of studies to document these improvements …until recently.

Between 2009 – 2012, sixty-seven patients with fractured ankles were recruited from an Indian hospital emergency department to take part in a double blind randomized controlled study. They were divided into a homeopathic and a non-homeopathic group and all patients received standard orthopaedic care for 12 weeks following injury.

The treatment group experienced faster healing, and significant improvement in fracture line, edge, callous formation and fracture union compared to the placebo group. They also experienced less pain and used less analgesia.

More Information: Accelerating the healing of bone fracture using homeopathy: a prospective, randomized double-blind controlled study

Help Fund/Forward Future Research in Homeoprophylaxis (Homeopathy Prevention)

Help Fund/Forward Future Research in Homeoprophylaxis (Homeopathy Prevention) [embed][/embed]

My Presentation Proposal accepted at the Homeopathic Research Institute conference in Rome! Help support Research in Homeopathy!

About this project One of my research projects has been accepted to be 'postered' (see project picture) at the Homeopathic Research Institute Conference in Rome, Italy in June 2015. I applied to present at the Homeopathic Research Institute because most of my publishing homeopathic colleagues are in Europe (and my heritage is Italian) and this is my opportunity to create important research colleagues and alliances to forward this world of research hopefully extending all the way back here to There currently is the evident catch 22 of asking a homeopath for 'the science' on homeopathy and the abismal lack of funding for homeopathic research. Where exactly would this money go? Luckily - I am VERY good at finding deals: Conference Fee is 320Euros = CDN$543 Flight to Rome is CDN$1059 Hotel (AirBnB) 6 nights is 360 Euros =$485 Print & Ship the Poster $250 Plus transportation and food

So VERY much can be changed with so little homeopathic funding with homeopathy because of the strong principles of healing that homeopathy is based on and has been using in the very same manner for over 200 years. Did you know that homeoprophylaxis (using homeopathic remedies to prevent specific diseases) started to be used in 1796? This preliminary research is the beginning of development of more research to continue to make it clear how pertanent that homeopathic medicine can be for the prevention of specific infectious diseases. Once 'the science' of homeopathy can penetrate the narrow prevailing conventional medical system I see a way that it can quickly turn the tides on the current view of homeopathy and holistic medicine and allow the evidence of how perfectly useful that homeopathy can be to help ourselves, our societies and generations become healthier instead of less healthy. As I am in the throws of trying to finish my second year of my MSc of Integrated Medicine and plan this presentation in Rome, I am started to realize how little our Canadian dollars go in Europe. Plus there is currently a lack of funding for research in homeopathy in Canada which is why I am asking for your own generosity - your willingness to place your dollars into the faith that there are opportunities here for us to turn the tides and change perspectives on what are important aspects of health and healing.

While reading this plea, you might wonder to yourself of the reasons that I continue to follow my attempt to offer homeopathy despite the odds. That NOT doing so feels like an abandonment of the primary code of conduct as a health practitioner ‘do no harm’ and against following the code ethics within the principles of beneficence and non-malevolence 4. If I don’t offer something that I know can benefit someone’s condition of health; then I feel that I am not acting as the compassionate human being that I know I am. If you would like to find out more, please contact me.

This presentation is imperative to the forward movement of homeopathy as an option in Canada and will have very positive implications on my abilities to pursue important avenues as a rigorous and relevant researcher of holistic health options for all of us.

Here is the abstract of the presentation; Malaria is affecting numerous people. As Goldsmith (2011, pp 5) states: “If the World Health Organization (WHO; an agency of the United Nations) had a most wanted list of dreaded diseases, malaria would make the top three”. It affects a variety of populations over vast geographical areas, much of it rural. This makes access to treatments on a large-scale challenging. Historically, homeopathy has had success in the capacity to treat malaria symptoms. The homeopathic remedies that have generated a reputation amongst homeopaths reading about success for malaria-like fever symptoms include arsenicum, china, eupatorium, natrum mur, pulsatilla and sulphur (Curtis, 1994). There are some significant positive efforts on behalf of some homeopaths using the homeopathic malaria nosode (a nosode is a homeopathic remedy made from the disease source) working in Africa who are helping people with Malaria (Ananda, 2010). This paper will explore research that has been conducted regarding the use of homeopathy for malaria. There are a few parasites namely Plasmodium berghei, Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale, Plasmodium gallinaecum, Plasmodium chabaudi, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium falciparum that have been found to be responsible for Malaria. People are vulnerable to Malaria by having the parasite introduced into their bloodstream in result of being bitten by female mosquitoes (Anopheles species) carrying the infection in their saliva. Because it is transferred by mosquito to humans Malaria is referred to as a vector-borne disease. Prevention of the mosquito bites with the use of mosquito netting has been well promoted. However, the option of staying under mosquito netting all the time can be cumbersome.

The prevalence of malaria in many countries that people are travelling to makes is a disease of interest relevant to a homeopathic practice in North America where people are asking for a natural way to protect them against Malaria. The pharmaceutical answer seems to be becoming a less palatable option to travelers wanting to avoid negative drug affects. Also, there is currently no travelers’ vaccine for Malaria.

There has been an emergence of a few laboratory studies using homeopathy for prevention of malaria. In this assignment, three projects involving homeopathy and malaria. The first is by the two researchers Rajan and Bagai (2012) with an in vitro culture, the second is the three authors Bagai, Rajan, and Kaur looking at an in vivo test (2012) and the third study is by the State Health Resource Centre in Chhattisgarh (2013) distributing a homeopathic intervention to almost 100,000 people.

Homeopathy is second only to Jesus as the two most controversial topics according to Wikipedia 1. Considering my previous career in political advocacy focusing on environmental and conservation issues, I sometimes ask myself; Is that what attracted me to homeopathy? No! It was the fact that once I gave it a try for my lifetime struggle with de-habilitating eczema, it did something that nothing else could do for me and so I was ecstatic 2. That success indeed was what made me passionate about ensuring that people have ACCESS and know about homeopathy as an option if they so choose. Fortunately, that passion has led me here – writing to justify the amazing healing that I am now able to do for many others, now that I’ve spent over ten years continuing to study all aspects of homeopathy above and beyond my four year diploma requirement in order to call myself a homeopathic practitioner 3.


1. last accessed January 9, 15.

2.Medhurst, R. (2013). Homoeopathy for Eczema. Journal Of The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 19(2), 104-106.

3. last accessed January 9, 15.

4. last accessed January 9, 15. Risks and challenges

Interim results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. results of a randomised controlled trial of homeopathic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome. Peckham EJ1, Relton C2, Raw J3, Walters C3, Thomas K2, Smith C3, Kapur K3, Said E3. Author information Abstract

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition for which there is no consensus on the optimum treatment. Gastroenterology problems are some of the most common conditions treated by homeopaths, yet few trials have explored the effectiveness of individualised homeopathic treatment for IBS. A three-armed trial was conducted which compared: usual care, homeopathic treatment plus usual care and supportive listening plus usual care. The primary outcome was change in irritable bowel symptom severity score between baseline and 26 weeks, calculated using ANCOVA. An interim ANCOVA adjusted for baseline IBS severity, age and employment status found no statistically significant difference between the three arms. However, a post-hoc test comparing homeopathic treatment plus usual care to usual care alone found a statistically significant difference in favour of homeopathic treatment. In addition, 62.5 percent of patients in the homeopathic treatment arm (compared to 25.0 percent of those in the usual care arm), achieved a clinically relevant change in irritable bowel symptom severity score, which indicates a promising effect for homeopathic treatment, though these results should be interpreted with caution due to the low number of participants in the study.

Copyright © 2014 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS:

Attention control; Homeopathy; Irritable bowel syndrome; Randomised controlled trial

PMID: 24931748 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Amazing insights into the Chicken Pox vaccine and the unintended consequences of that decision on the health of US citizens in particular.

Tony Bark, M.D.: When I was a resident in pediatrics I was told “we’ll never promote this vaccine, this vaccine will never be a recommended or mandated vaccine because all vaccines come with risks and Chickenpox is so risk-free”. Of course if your children died from Chickenpox! Well yes, on average in the United States there were a hundred deaths per year from Chickenpox.

That’s not considered a problem, I hate to say it, of course if it’s your child or your spouse who dies, or you, it’s a problem.

But if you look at it statistically, 100 deaths out of how many 100 million people we’ve got in the country, it was a really low rate.

Suzanne Humphries, M.D.: Most people know Chickenpox is a pretty benign entity, now we’re vaccinated for Chickenpox and “hey, the vaccines working, we’re not seeing as much Chickenpox” right, so that seems like a good thing.

However what we’re seeing more of now is Shingles because those us adults who need to be exposed ongoing Chickenpox through children aren’t, so we’re not getting those natural boosters and so what happens is our immunity level starts to drop. This is happening both in children and adults now.

I don’t think this is an overall benefit. The UK is not using that vaccine, they have looked into the danger of Chickenpox and the cost-effectiveness a vaccinating the entire population and they have decided not to implement that in their vaccine schedule.

There are other countries as well who have decided not to use Chickenpox vaccine. United States is one of the most heavily vaccinated countries,

South Korea comes close, and our childhood chronic disease rates are actually also among the highest.

Tony Bark, M.D.: The problem with that vaccine is there are many more deaths from the vaccine then we would have seen from Chickenpox because now what we’ve done is we’ve shifted the burden of disease from Chickenpox to shingles.

What a lot of doctors don’t even understand is that Chickenpox, like pertussis, needs to be in the environment so we can be constantly exposed and the constant exposure maintains our antibodies keeps us from getting Shingles. Which is why when I was a young kid the only people that got Shingles we’re very old people because they weren’t exposed to young children anymore.

If you’re out in the environment and you’re exposed to the population at large and young people, you are exposed to Chickenpox, or you were exposed to Chickenpox and it kept your antibodies adequate to suppress Shingles from coming out.

Gary Goldman, PH.D.: As the vaccine became more widespread and by year 2000, 50% of children, age less than 10 years old had been vaccinate. The boosting from children in the community with natural Chickenpox severely decreased because so many children had been vaccinated. So the young children that it had natural Chickenpox no longer were receiving those exogenous or outside exposures.

As chicken pox exposures declined, shingles increased.

Tony Bark, M.D.: Shingles has a much greater morbidity and mortality rate than Chickenpox.

Gary Goldman, PH.D.: Yes, that’s a good point because the cost to treat Chickenpox are at 25 percent and Shingles is 75 percent of the cost. So if you eliminate Chickenpox but Shingles increases then you’ve offset the benefit that you tried to achieve.

To critically challenge the epistemology of an element of Homeopathic Practice; specifically the idea that Homeopathy can be successful in preventing disease amongst a population for epidemic or pandemic disease outbreaks. AUDIENCE: Myself, my professors, other students, other homeopaths, other interested parties.

PURPOSE: To critically challenge the epistemology of an element of Homeopathic Practice; specifically the idea that Homeopathy can be successful in preventing disease amongst a population for epidemic or pandemic disease outbreaks.


I have written this essay to deconstruct an aspect of my clinical practice. There is controversy around the use of homeoprophylaxis in preventing disease during epidemics and pandemics. I wanted to see if there was research that could demonstrate the ability to use homeopathy in epidemics/pandemics. If so, what type of research and can it be recognized as valid. If it is not, why not? I explored and gathered information, interviews with practitioners, charts, essays, population studies and Random Controlled Trials. These helped to see the various levels of ability for homeopathic remedies to be used to prevent infectious diseases in a laboratory and in actual contemporary populations. However, these studies are in contrast within the prevailing paradigm to do with how homeopathic remedies work. Since there is an underlying disbelief in the idea that highly diluted substances could work, there is a difficulty in accepting the studies that demonstrate success for homeopathic remedies.


Can homeopathy help for prevention of disease in epidemics or pandemics? I have been using Dr. Isaac Golden’s (2007) homeoprophylaxis (HP) program for children in my homeopathic clinical practice for 7 years. However, when clients and others ask for the scientific evidence, my reference to historical accounts of the use of homeopathy during actual epidemics doesn’t always seem to satisfy them. As I am questioning what is science and what is knowledge, I am also unsure. The purpose of this essay is to identify and come to an understanding of the idea behind using homeopathy for the prevention of illness in epidemic or pandemic diseases and addressing whether there is valid demonstration of the successful use of homeopathy for epidemics/pandemic diseases. Ranging from historical references, Random Control Trials (RCTs) and population studies, and provings; are these sufficient to demonstrate the premise that homeopathic treatment can be used to have an impact on infectious diseases? Are there factors limiting the research or use of the information generated?

Important aspects of this essay defined:

According to Webster’s online dictionary (2013), Epidemics and pandemics refer to an outbreak of an infections disease where many people are affected in a wide geographic area. A pandemic is the same except it is affecting a larger geographic area that can occur beyond borders of one region or even country. The founder of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann explains in the Organon (1996), that homeopathy is most simply defined as a medical art relying on two main principles being the law of minimum dose and the law of similars. Homeoprophylaxis is the use of homeopathic remedies to prevent ahead of time a specific disease. A homeopathic remedy proving is a collection of observed and recorded signs and symptoms conducted according to the instructions outlined in Hahnemann’s (1996) Organon. The material medica is the resource where these provings and other useful sources are compiled for organized reference of each remedy’s therapeutic uses.

How did the use of homeopathy for epidemics start?

Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and homeopaths inspired by him and his writings in the Organon have seemed to make good use of homeopathic treatment to help people who have succumbed to infectious diseases or to help prevent them from succumbing to them. It was Hahnemann’s discriminating observation in 1789 that began the exploration of prevention of disease with homeopathic remedies. In his Lesser Writings (1852), he first described his experience preventing Scarlet Fever by giving them all doses of Belladonna in addition to the members of the family who had contracted it. Using the principles of homeopathic medicine combined with knowledge of homeopathic remedies from provings or other material medica resources has granted the use remedies homeoprophylactically.

Physician’s records:

Historical references of hospital reports are one way a direct comparison can be made between homeopathy and non-homeopathic treatment. In the chart below compiled by Navab (2012), numbers of patient deaths in hospitals are compared to allopathic numbers of deaths. In these reports the rate of success for homeopaths in specific hospitals is shown as a mortality rate of less than 10% for the treatment of scarlet fever, cholera, typhus fever, pneumonia, yellow fever and Spanish influenza. The mortality rates for the conventional doctors of the time (termed allopaths) are over 10% for each of these diseases. The treatments the allopaths had for the 1918 flu were limited to aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid according to Billings (1997) compared to what is available now. It is also very plausible that the results in charts are simply lower for allopaths because the allopathic medicines used between 1798 and 1918 were not as sophisticated as the ones in the present.

Year Location Disease Treatment by Homeopathy Treatment by Allopathy Treatment with No Medicine 1799 Königslütter, Germany Scarlet Fever Mortality <5% 1830 ~ ‘31* Russia Cholera Mortality 11 %Reported by Imperial Council & Foreign Ministry of Russia. Mortality 63 %Reported by Imperial Council & Foreign Ministry of Russia. Not recorded. 1830 ~ 1832 Vienna, Prague, Hungary and Moravia Cholera Mortality 7 %Reported by Dr. Kath, appointed by King of Bavaria. Mortality 31 %Reported by Dr. Kath, appointed by King of Bavaria. Not recorded. 1836** Vienna Cholera Mortality 33 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. Fleischmann Mortality 66 % 1847 Ireland Typhus fever Mortality 2 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. Joseph Kidd Mortality 13 %Lead Allopath in charge was Dr. Abraham Tuckey Not recorded. 1847 England Typhus fever Mortality 2 % Mortality 13 % Mortality 10 % 1848 Edinburgh, Scotland Cholera Mortality 24 %Reported by Edinburgh Dispensary. Mortality 68 %Reported by Edinburgh Dispensary. Not recorded. mid 1800’s Austria Pneumonia Mortality 5 %Lead Homeopath in charge was Dr. Fleischmann Mortality 20 %Lead Allopath in charge was Dr. Dietl Not recorded. 1853 ~ 1855 South of America Yellow fever Mortality 5.4 %Lead Homeopaths in charge were Dr. F. Davis and Dr. W. Holconibe Not Available. Not recorded. 1854 London, England Cholera Mortality 16.4 %Reported by Royal College of Physicians. Mortality 59.2 %Reported by Royal College of Physicians. Not recorded. 1878 New Orleans, USA Yellow fever Mortality 5.6 %Special Commission reported the statistics. Mortality 17 %Special Commission reported the statistics. Not recorded. 1918*** Pittsburgh, USA Spanish Influenza Mortality 1.05 %Reported by Dean, Pittsburgh Hospital Mortality 30 %Reported by Dean, Pittsburgh Hospital Not recorded.

In the 1800’s and early 1900’s when homeopaths were working as physicians within the medical system of society of the day, they had access to a statistically significant number of patients. Because these reports were created centuries ago, the information is open to interpretation. Reading the information in the chart above, different people will have different perspectives on the information presented depending on a person’s prior knowledge, beliefs and filters that can affect the conclusions (Fuller, 2003). A person educated in homeopathy (presumable already believing that homeopathy works) might ask ‘what remedies did they use?’ while a person not knowing homeopathy might simply ask the question ‘how’.

The homeopathic physicians had the same or similar access to clinical surroundings and tools available to the allopathic physicians. During the 1918 Influenza in California, Elsa Engle was a nurse practitioner using homeopathic remedies under instruction from Dr. Engle. As Malthouse (2010) wrote from an interview that was conducted by Frances Kalfus in 1992, the then 97 year old Elsa Engle explains their success at Hahnemann Hospital; “They all had about the same symptoms. You didn't have to do anything else but give them a bottle of Gelsemium, followed with a bottle of Eupatorium perfoliatum... In five days practically all of them were well”. Gelsemium and Eupatorium perfoliatum are homeopathic remedies that are still commonly used for influenza. The CBC report (Puri, 2009) explained to viewers during the many homeopathic clients were turning to the remedy Gelsemium that was “used extensively during the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918” for the H1N1 flu. However, with information or data and its style of presentation, each person will come to a different conclusion depending on prior experiences and beliefs. In order for something like homeopathy, because it might be in contrast with a strong belief, even the highest quality of research won’t suffice to change that belief despite what a study shows. Rutten (2008) describes the problem that “Prior beliefs are updated in the Bayesian process, but the first prior belief has a special position. This first prior belief is very strong, we need to consider how strong and why. It is in fact paradigmatic and might not be susceptible to Bayes’ theorum”. Perhaps only a strong personal experience (seeing is believing) might be the only thing that can change a strong prior belief.

RCTs Japanese Encephalitis (JE):

Looking at two Random Control Trials (RCTs) in a clinical laboratory where studies were done with the infectious disease Japanese Encephalitis (JE) and doses of the homeopathic remedy, Belladonna. The authors Bandyopadhyay et al. (2010 and 2011) found statistically significant success showing that Belladonna is effective in preventing disease indicators. This is a chart from Bandyopadhyay et al. (2010) showing decreased viral infection found in the Choriallontoic Membrane (CAM) of unhatched chicks dosed with Belladonna in the four different potencies of 3, 6, 30 and 200;

For the RCT done on suckling mice by Bandyopadhyay et al. (2011), average survival rates of the infected suckling mice treated with Belladonna 200C daily for 14 days had almost double the survival rate than those not treated with Belladonna 200C. 47% survival rate for untreated mice versus 79.24% and 80.60% for the Belladonna treated mice for 7 and 14 days. In the discussion of this successful study, the authors Bandyopadhyay et al. (2011) state that homeopathic practitioners have historically been using the homeopathic remedy Belladonna for the prevention of JE without any RCT experimental proof of how it works and therefore there is further need to test how it is that the homeopathic remedy Belladonna has showed an ability to prevent JE. This study has successfully shown a specific outcome. However, the question of the properties of Belladonna that made it work is what the authors chose to recommend as required further study.

Population Studies: Swine Flu in India:

In India 2009 a Swine Flu patient study involving 23 Homeopaths and 1146 patients was conducted by Mathie et al. (2013) which took a set of previous agreed upon (by the Centre for Clinical Research of Homeopathy (CCRH)) group of symptoms defining Swine Flu by Homeopaths working in government approved health centres in India. The Homeopaths agreed to record their results in a formatted excel chart between October, 2009 and February, 2010. The most frequently prescribed remedy that helped the patients as the primary care for the Swine Flu was Arsenicum album; the very same remedy that the CCRH had identified as the as a prophylactic Genus Epidemicus for this pandemic. Results like this can tempt the enthusiast to proclaim at this as proof that homeopathy can be used in epidemics.

However, the overarching challenge in demonstrating the proof that homeopathy can be successful for epidemics and pandemics through research and information is that it contrasts the current prevailing paradigm. To express this idea Rutten (2008) quotes Vandenbroucke (2001) “Accepting that infinite dilutions work would subvert more than conventional medicine; it wrecks a whole edifice of chemistry and physics”. With this in mind, the work shown in this study could present to different conclusions to people with different prior beliefs. If accepting the validity of homeopathic remedies is not a possibility within the belief system than accepting this study as successfully demonstrating that homeopathy can help in epidemics is also not a possibility.

Leptospirosis in Cuba:

A study by Bracho et al. (2009) was conducted with 2.3 million people in Cuba. The population above 1 year of age was given two oral doses of the Leptospirosis Nosode in the 200C and 10M potencies with an interval of 7-9 days between doses. Then ten to twelve months later, they were given another two oral doses of the 10M potency 7-9 days apart. These homeopathic remedies were administered by approximately 5000 Cuban public health system personnel using five drops (250-300 µL) under the tongue (sublingually) 20 minutes away from eating or drinking or smoking. One year of comparison between the area that received doses (the Intervention Region, IR) and the Rest of the Country (RC) showed a significant decrease of cases of Leptospirosis in the IR. This study looked at the numbers generated by the same institutions that are responsible for managing epidemic disease diagnosis and prognosis in Cuba (the national weekly report based on provincial data generated by the Trend Analysis Unit from the Minister of Epidemiology of the Ministry of Public Health of Cuba). According to Bracho (2009) their prediction of number of cases of Leptrospirosis was 111-461 in the Intervention Region in the most precarious 3 week period (weeks 47-52 of 2007 because of number of days between the start of the increased rainfalls and infection rates) when only actually 38 confirmed cases showed up. This was a reduction of 91.8% to 65.8% in the IR. Despite that there were increased risks of Leptospirosis infection that year due to extreme rainfall in October-November in the IR, the annual number of cases decreased by 84% while in the RC there was an increase of 21.7%. The authors conclude that these findings lend to a high degree of confidence that using homeopathic remedies to prevent disease in populations is a useful tool for epidemics and pandemics.

This study shows successful implementation of homeopathy for a population during an actual epidemic and demonstrates that homeopathy is successful in preventing illness during epidemics or pandemics. Whether this study will model a way that homeopathy can show success in preventing disease amongst a population for epidemic or pandemic disease outbreaks is still in question (Roniger, 2010). The positive aspect of this study is that there were millions of Cubans who willingly experienced homeopathy by taking those remedies in compliance with their predominant health professionals. As Rutton (2008) points out, changing towards a belief in homeopathic medicine might require a turning point such as a personal experience. What that has been shown to do is “We may accept evidence that we did not accept before. We may abandon the first prior, rearrange and re-interpret the evidence and then the process of sequential updating can start”. That way a previous belief that contradicts the idea that homeopathic remedies will not continue to stand in the way of some possible data or information being presented in research of various types.


In this essay I’ve brought to attention various types of demonstrations of the use of homeopathy for epidemics and pandemics, including some that are the accepted standard for medical science. Using these examples it seems to be possible to demonstrate the specific success with RCT studies, population studies plus historical records on the use of homeopathy during epidemics/pandemics. As Bracho says (2010) it is also possible to conduct further studies with a significant level of confidence that homeopathy will prove itself as a valid way to address the health of populations during epidemics/pandemics. However, the criteria required in order to conduct this type of research isn’t always easily available to homeopaths in various parts of the world. So far it seems that there is a facility in Cuba that has opportunity to do this plus certain homeopaths in certain clinics of India are also already established for these types of studies.

There are challenges to the understanding and acceptance of use of homeopathic remedies for epidemics and pandemics. Part of it lies within the current paradigm that predominates. The disbelief that highly diluted substances such as homeopathic remedies could have a therapeutic action is the paradigm that limits the acceptance of studies on homeopathy despite their success in showing specific outcomes. With a prior acceptance of biochemical medicine combined with an expectation that homeopathy would act in the same manner, there is not a certain type of research that would qualify to change that disbelief that homeopathic remedies work because the prior belief is too many steps away from the new belief. It is recommended from this overview that any further studies to address the ability to use homeopathy for epidemics and pandemics should acknowledge that whether the reader concludes the study acceptable or not has to do with the challenge of the paradigm surrounding how homeopathic remedies work.


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Homeopathy in the public health system: a seven-year observational study at Lucca Hospital (Italy) Elio Rossi1, , , , Cristina Endrizzi1, Maria Alessandra Panozzo1, Alba Bianchi1, Monica Da Frè2

Homeopathy in the public health system: a seven-year observational study at Lucca Hospital (Italy)By; Elio Rossi1, , , , Cristina Endrizzi1, Maria Alessandra Panozzo1, Alba Bianchi1, Monica Da Frè2


Homeopathy is the most widely-used non-conventional medicine in Italy, as confirmed by an epidemiological research project conducted on behalf of the Italian Ministry of Health (coordinated by the Higher Institute of Health).1 During the period 1997–1999, 15.6% of the Italian population used non-conventional therapies, especially homeopathy (8.2% of the population).

Data was recently published in a multipurpose survey of the diffusion of non-conventional medicine in 20052 conducted on a wider sample of families than in the previous survey of 2000 (60,000 compared to 25,000); the study confirmed that 13.6% of Italians (7,900,000) had used at least one form of non-conventional therapy in the last 3 years. The most widespread form of non-conventional medicine is homeopathy, used by 7.0% of the population; manual treatment was chosen by 6.4%; phytotherapy and acupuncture by 3.7% and 1.8% respectively; other types of non-conventional therapies accounted for 0.4%. An in-depth analysis of the data of the multipurpose ISTAT survey of 2005 for the Region of Tuscany showed that 15.5% of the Tuscan population during the three-year period prior to the survey used at least one non-conventional therapy, and homeopathy was the most widely used of the unconventional therapies (7.5%), higher than manual therapies (7.4%).

Considering also this data, in 1998 the Homeopathic Clinic in Lucca was initially established and funded by the Tuscany Region as part of a pilot project aimed at assessing the possibilities of integration of complementary medicine in the public health sector. Through successive health programming legislation, the Region financed study projects on non-conventional medicine and created a Regional Reference Centre for non-conventional therapies.

The 2005–2007 Regional Health Plan3 guarantees complete integration within the regional health system for non-conventional medical treatment, defined as complementary medicine (specifically, acupuncture, phytotherapy, homeopathy and manual medicine), whose therapies have been evaluated as demonstrating an adequate level of efficacy.

The Homeopathic Clinic of ASL 2, Lucca (the Regional Reference Centre for Homeopathy) consists of one homeopathic doctor with clinical activity and responsible for directing and coordinating the service; one homeopathic specialist doctor in obstetrics and gynaecology, to meet the specific needs of the female population; one homeopathic doctor whose role is research and production of data for verifying clinical activity and research projects in response to requirements and in collaborations with other hospital services; one pharmacist, and administrative staff. Furthermore, the clinic is also visited by doctors following courses on homeopathy in clinical practice.

Since September 2006 homeopathic doctors have been equated to specialist clinic doctors in accordance with the Tuscan Regional Integrative Agreement of the National Integrative Agreement for Specialist Clinics.4

The object of this study is to assess the response to homeopathic treatment and analyze homeopathic clinical practice in the public health sector. Materials and methods

A longitudinal observational study was conducted on all patients attending the Homeopathic Clinic at the Campo di Marte Provincial Hospital – ASL 2 Lucca from its establishment in September 1998 until December 2005. Data were collected concerning homeopathic consultations from September 1998 to December 2005 for all patients who returned for at least one follow-up appointment.

Patients who attend the clinic currently pay a public health service charge of €18.59, the amount payable for all other specialist visits. Homeopathic visits last half an hour and are booked by telephone to the Central Booking Centre of the Campo di Marte Hospital. In many cases patients are referred by their GP or by the specialist who has generally already made a clinical diagnosis.

The homeopathic prescription strategy is to administer a single remedy and involves the initial use of the remedy in Quintamillesimal dilutions (LM, Q)5 beginning with 6LM/Q and on a progressive scale of dilutions. If there is a subsequent phase, the prescription then proceeds with a single centesimal dose (CH). Treatment of acute cases generally involves the use of remedies in centesimal dilutions from 6 to 30CH.

Quality control for homeopathic prescriptions is carried in collaboration with the Associazione Lycopodium – Homeopathia Europea of Florence, which has been active since 1978 and operates independently of the clinic.

Patient data (demographic data; clinical diagnoses according to ICD 10; remedy prescribed; potency and dosage; prescription strategy, identification of the case as acute-chronic-recurrent) were collected on paper and by WinCHIP (Computerized Homeopathic Investigation Program).6 Each patient was assigned a numerical identification code for the anonymous treatment of data, and signed a privacy disclaimer.

At the first consultation, the current state of health and the severity and nature of the patient's symptoms were recorded in detail in accordance with the procedures of the homeopathic consultation. For patients seen for follow-up the effect of the therapies in relation to the main pathology (the object of the request for intervention), was assessed. An adaptation of the Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital Outcome Score (GHHOS)7 was used to assess outcome; whereas the degree of symptom intensity as reported by the patient, and the change after treatment (if any) were assessed by means of a numerical rate scale (NRS). The reference values of the GHHOS scale, distributed according to a Likert scale from −1 to +4, define different degrees of improvement as follows: 0 = none, 1 = slight improvement, 2 = moderate improvement, 3 = important improvement, 4 = cured/back to normal, and −1 = slight deterioration.

Patients attending a homeopathic visit who were already using conventional pharmacological therapy reduced and subsequently to discontinued this, where possible.

Coding and data entry were carried out by the staff of the Homeopathic Clinic of the Campo di Marte Hospital, Lucca, while data analysis was performed by staff of the Observatory of Epidemiology of the Regional Health Agency of Tuscany. Statistical analysis was performed using the statistical package Stata SE (Version 9.0). The Chi-square test was used to assess the association in the univariate analysis (Table 1). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate factors associated with successful therapy (significant improvement or resolution – values 3 and 4 of the GHHOS scale, in contrast to GHHOS scale values of ≤2). The Wald test was used to assess the statistical significance of each variable in the model (Table 4).

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients in follow-up by age ≤14 years 15–39 years ≥40 years Total p-Value n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Total number of patients 166 (25) 250 (37) 251 (38) 667 (100)

Sex Male 92 (55) 60 (24) 75 (30) 227 (34) <0.001 Female 74 (45) 190 (76) 176 (70) 440 (66)

Occupation Student – 65 (26) 0 65 (13) <0.001 Clerk – 57 (23) 63 (26) 120 (24) Teacher – 19 (8) 28 (11) 47 (10) Medical staff – 14 (6) 26 (11) 40 (8) Entrepreneur, freelancer – 14 (6) 16 (6) 30 (6) Manual worker, artisan, farmer, technician – 38 (15) 24 (10) 62 (13) Trader – 17 (7) 13 (5) 30 (6) Housewife – 17 (7) 29 (12) 46 (9) Unemployed – 7 (3) 1 (0.4) 8 (2) Retired – 0 46 (19) 46 (9)

Have you already used conventional therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 125 (75) 161 (64) 182 (73) 468 (70) 0.035

Have you already used homeopathic therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 53 (32) 66 (26) 93 (37) 212 (32) 0.035

Existing pathology Respiratory 111 (67) 62 (25) 37 (15) 210 (32) <0.001 Digestive tract 11 (7) 48 (19) 57 (23) 116 (17) Dermatological 22 (13) 41 (16) 29 (12) 92 (14) Psychological 14 (8) 40 (16) 37 (15) 91 (14) Obstetric-gynecologic 1 (0.6) 28 (11) 27 (11) 56 (8) Headache 3 (2) 11 (4) 11 (4) 25 (4) Cardio-circulatory 0 6 (2) 16 (6) 22 (3) Urological 1 (0.6) 8 (3) 10 (4) 19 (3) Osteoarticular 0 3 (1) 13 (5) 16 (2) Neurological 3 (2) 2 (0.8) 6 (2) 11 (2) Other 0 0 7 (3) 7 (1)

Follow-up visits 2 Months 45 (27) 108 (43) 111 (44) 264 (40) 0.012 6 Months 38 (23) 46 (18) 53 (21) 137 (21) 12–18 Months 44 (27) 53 (21) 43 (17) 140 (21) ≥24 Months 39 (23) 43 (17) 44 (18) 126 (19) Table options

Results Demographics

From September 1998 to December 2005, 1514 patients came to the Homeopathic Clinic of the Campo di Marte Provincial Hospital, Lucca, for a total of 3771 consecutive visits. To assess the results of treatment, we analyzed the data of patients returning for at least one check-up visit after the initial consultation (667 patients: 44% of the total) with follow-ups up to 84 months (from a minimum of one to a maximum of 10 visits subsequent to the initial one).

The percentage of new patients lost to follow-up was 56%; the proportion was the same in all categories of the following variables: sex, age, occupation and use of conventional therapies for treatment of the existing pathology. However, among those who had previously used homeopathic treatment for the pathology in question, the percentage of patients lost was lower than those who had not used it (51% vs 58%).

The issue of drop-out was formerly investigated in a specific study9 conducted by telephone interview of a sample of patients who had attended at this clinic, but did not return, over a period of 1 year. This revealed that 50.7% of those interviewed were satisfied, stating that homeopathic treatment was effective and that they did not return for a check-up for this reason; 35.6% of patients interviewed reported various reasons for dissatisfaction such as problems of communication with the doctor during the visit, or relating to the use of the remedy, or to higher expectations than the results obtained; 2.7% of those interviewed did not start treatment due to the disappearance of symptoms. In relation to the perception of therapy effectiveness in the sample of patients lost to follow-up, only 11% said they had not returned for check-up visit due to the ineffectiveness of the prescribed treatment. If we consider only patients who had at least commenced treatment, 60% reported that the treatment was effective; of patients who had completed the prescribed therapy 81% stated the treatment to be effective.

Table 1 shows the demographic characteristics of included patients. Twenty-five percentage of patients up to the age of 14; 37% aged between 15 and 39; 38% aged 40 or more. The sample consisted of 34% male patients and 66% female patients. The distribution of sex varied significantly across the age ranges: 70% or more of adult patients were female; there was a prevalence of males (55%) in childhood age. At the time of the first visit, 70% of patients had had prior recourse to conventional therapies for treatment of their pathology, 32% had already used homeopathic therapies for the same purpose. The most frequent pathologies were as follows: respiratory (32%); digestive tract (17%); dermatological (14%) and psychological (14%). A significant difference was observed in the distribution of pathologies by age. In children, two thirds of the patients came to the homeopathic clinic for respiratory pathologies, compared to 25% of patients aged 15–39 and 15% of patients aged 40 or more. Other frequent pathologies in the 15–39 age group were of the digestive tract (19%), dermatological (16%) and psychological problems (16%); while those aged 40 or more had a higher prevalence of problems of the digestive tract (23%).

The duration of follow-up was 1 year or more for 50% of children age, 37% for patients between the ages of 15–39 and 35% for those of 40 or above. Outcomes

Overall 74% of patients reported at least moderate improvement (+2), 91% showed an improvement of at least (+1), and 50% of patients reporting an important improvement or complete resolution (+3 or 4), 9% did not respond, 0.3% deteriorated. Table 2 shows the outcome distribution for each variable.

Table 2.

Outcome by patient characteristics (%) n −1 0 1 2 3 4 Slight worsening (%) No change (%) Slight improvement (%) Good improvement (%) Significant improvement (%) Resolution (%) Total 667 0.3 9 17 24 31 19

Sex Male 227 0 9 15 23 32 21 Female 440 0.4 9 17 24 31 19

Age ≤14 166 0 5 13 19 35 29 15–39 250 0.4 7 17 24 33 18 ≥40 251 0.4 14 19 26 27 14

Have you already used conventional therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 468 0.4 7 16 23 35 18 No 199 0 14 19 24 23 22

Have you already used homeopathic therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 212 0 8 17 27 32 15 No 454 0.4 9 16 22 31 21

Existing pathology Respiratory 210 0 4 12 20 36 27 Digestive tract 116 0 11 13 33 28 16 Dermatological 92 0 8 22 16 29 25 Psychological 91 2 13 23 29 25 8 Obstetric-gynecologic 56 0 16 12 20 32 20 Headache 25 0 12 24 28 24 12 Cardio-circulatory 22 0 9 27 18 41 5 Urological 19 0 5 16 16 37 26 Osteoarticular 16 0 12 25 19 25 19 Neurological 11 0 9 18 36 27 9 Other 7 0 14 14 29 43 0

Follow-up visits 2 Months 264 0.8 15 27 27 22 8 6 Months 137 0 7 18 26 36 13 12–18 Months 140 0 5 9 28 34 25 ≥24 Months 126 0 3 2 10 41 44 Table options

The proportion of subjects reporting a significant improvement or resolution of the complaint decreased with increasing age. Current or previous use of conventional pharmacological treatment was positively associated with the positive result of homeopathic therapy. Pathologies with a higher outcome score were respiratory complaints (with 36% reporting a significant improvement and 27% a resolution); while psychological complaints were those which responded least well, although there was good improvement for 29% of subjects.

For psychological problems duration of follow-up significantly influenced the result of therapy: the longer the duration, the higher the outcome score: after 2 years, 44% of patients reported the resolution of the complaint, compared to 8% of patients after 2 months. Table 3 shows the proportion of patients reporting a significant improvement or resolution of the symptoms in relation to the duration of the therapy. The success rate was 51% and was closely correlated to the duration of therapy: after 2 months the percentage was 30%, rising to 85% after 24 months or more of follow-up. This trend persisted even when all demographic and clinical variables are taken into account.

Table 3.

Number and proportion of cases reporting a significant improvement or the resolution of the complaint Total 2 Months 6 Months 12–18 Months ≥24 Months n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) Total 337 (51) 80 (30) 68 (50) 82 (59) 107 (85)

Sex Male 120 (53) 27 (33) 28 (49) 31 (65) 34 (87) Female 217 (49) 53 (29) 40 (50) 51 (55) 73 (84)

Age ≤14 106 (64) 17 (38) 23 (61) 30 (68) 36 (92) 15–39 128 (51) 33 (31) 24 (52) 33 (62) 38 (88) ≥40 103 (41) 30 (27) 21 (40) 19 (44) 33 (75)

Have you already used conventional therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 249 (53) 58 (31) 53 (54) 61 (66) 77 (84) No 88 (44) 22 (28) 15 (38) 21 (45) 30 (88)

Have you already used homeopathic therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 100 (47) 22 (31) 16 (36) 28 (53) 34 (81) No 236 (52) 58 (30) 51 (56) 54 (62) 73 (87)

Existing pathology Respiratory 133 (63) 31 (45) 23 (57) 39 (67) 40 (93) Digestive tract 50 (43) 14 (25) 12 (48) 8 (44) 16 (89) Dermatological 50 (54) 13 (34) 13 (57) 11 (73) 13 (81) Psychological 30 (33) 8 (19) 5 (33) 9 (45) 8 (57) Obstetric-gynecologic 29 (52) 8 (35) 1 (17) 6 (55) 14 (87) Headache 9 (36) 1 (9) 1 (20) 3 (75) 4 (80) Cardio-circulatory 10 (45) 3 (30) 3 (43) 2 (67) 2 (100) Urological 12 (63) 1 (17) 6 (86) 1 (50) 4 (100) Osteoarticular 7 (44) 0 3 (60) 2 (33) 2 (67) Neurological 4 (36) 0 1 (50) 0 3 (75) Other 3 (43) 1 (33) 0 1 (100) 1 (100) Table options

A logistic regression model was fitted for all the variables considered (Table 4). The table confirms that the variables influencing the success probability of homeopathic treatment are as follows: patient age (p = 0.034), the pathology (p = 0.040) and duration of follow-up (p < 0.001). Young patients had the best outcomes, when all other variables are the same. Those with respiratory pathologies, and urological, cardio-circulatory, dermatological and obstetric-gynecological problems also had relatively favourable outcomes. The variable with the greatest influence on the outcome is the duration of follow-up: an adjusted success probability of 30% after 2 months rises to 86% after 2 years or more.

Table 4.

Logistic regression model: adjusted proportions of significant improvement or resolution Adjusted proportions(95% CI) p-Value Sex Male 51.0 (43.3–58.6) 0.785 Female 52.3 (46.8–57.8)

Age 0–14 59.0 (49.3–68.0) 0.034 15–39 55.0 (47.9–61.9) ≥40 44.0 (36.8–51.4)

Have you already used conventional therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 53.5 (48.2–58.8) 0.280 No 48.0 (39.7–56.3)

Have you already used homeopathic therapies for treatment of the existing pathology at the time of the visit? Yes 47.8 (40.1–55.5) 0.217 No 53.8 (48.4–59.1)

Existing pathology Respiratory 60.8 (52.4–68.6) 0.040 Digestive tract 49.5 (39.2–59.9) Dermatological 56.9 (45.4–67.6) Psychological 33.9 (23.7–45.7) Obstetric-gynecologic 52.2 (37.0–66.9) Headache 35.2 (17.7–57.7) Cardio-circulatory 57.6 (35.2–77.2) Urological 65.8 (41.2–84.2) Osteoarticular 43.4 (20.9–69.0) Neurological 28.3 (8.6–62.4) Other 52.1 (17.6–84.7)

Follow-up visits 2 Months 30.4 (24.9–36.5) <0.001 6 Months 48.2 (39.6–57.0) 12–18 Months 58.5 (49.7–66.8) ≥24 Months 86.1 (78.8–91.2) Table options


The first point concerns the demographic data: this clinic confirms the tendency found in other studies8 of the greater likelihood of women using homeopathic treatment (in our sample 2:1 female–male ratio). In terms of age, 39% of patients are 40 years old or more; 37% between 15 and 39; while 24% are under the age of 15. Sixty-five percentage of patients older than 15 were in employment, the remaining 35% consisting of students, housewives, pensioners and unemployed. Another important aspect is the chronicity and variety of pathologies observed: this makes the type of user comparable to that of a regional general medicine clinic, in contrast to data from epidemiologic sector studies.

The percentage of patients lost to follow was significantly lower among those who were already familiar with homeopathy. This result might explain the difficulties encountered by those who begin an unfamiliar treatment perhaps with high expectations, or hope that homeopathic treatment will accelerate healing times and reduce consumption of conventional drugs.

The study highlights a progressive improvement related to the length of the follow-up period. Perhaps this is determined by the relationship established with the doctor, given that the homeopathic interview seems to be an important investment in the doctor–patient relationship, when the therapeutic alliance with the patient is sought. This finding, which also contributes toward a bias influencing the results of observational studies, would benefit from further investigation with targeted studies.

A period of at least 3 months is necessary, according to Witt et al. 10 to improve chronic illnesses and the result of homeopathic therapy then stabilizes during the subsequent months. It is possible to surmise – particularly with regard to chronic pathologies – the importance of the patient's adherence to a therapeutic program which in our homeopathic clinic generally involves a progression of increasing dilutions of the same remedy, or of complementary remedies, in order to progress to a single dose. This differs from what occurs in conventional pharmacological treatment when a change in symptoms remains linked to continuing taking treatment. In fact, the duration of follow-up in this study does not only correspond to the period of consumption of the remedy since, after the single dose, the patient does not receive any treatment for a certain period of time, although the patient's clinical state is still observed at follow up visits.

One might expect that if the therapeutic program is discontinued before the overall clinical picture at the basis of the prescription has resolved, the probabilities of success will change. If we consider the sample of patients who did not return for follow-up but were interviewed by telephone, the percentages of improvement are reduced when subjects who discontinued treatment are included, even if the discontinuation was due to improvement. In order to confirm the assumption that it is necessary to complete a therapeutic program to reach stable objectives, it would have been useful to examine the type of prescription (remedy strength, whether or not treatment concerned the recurrence of a clinical picture with chronic tendencies, etc.), as well as assessment of the outcome, specifying whether assessment was monitored during or after consumption of the remedy.

Several studies underline the complex typology and chronic evolution of the complaint treated homeopathically, often after the failure of pharmacological or conventional treatment,11 in which homeopathy influenced not only the quality of the symptom but also the subjective perception of a state of general wellbeing.12 and 13

The usefulness of homeopathy has been evidenced for treatment of recurrent infectious episodes, when antibiotic therapy is not effective in reducing the frequency of recurrence.14 In our study, many problems concern worsening of pathologies which tend to relapse (respiratory infections, asthma, allergies). With regard to respiratory pathologies, the change in pharmacological consumption during the course of homeopathic therapy has been monitored15: showing a reduction of approximately 50% in pharmacological expenses, both for specific medicines and for general pharmacological expenses. The reduction in pharmacological expenses was significantly greater in patients who combined homeopathic therapy with conventional pharmacological therapy, compared to the pharmaceutical expenses of patients who took only conventional therapy.

In the sample examined in this study, there was a trend suggesting that homeopathic therapy is more effective when combined with conventional pharmacological treatment, although this is not significant in the multivariate regression model (Table 4). It would have been useful to distinguish between those who were still using conventional therapies while receiving homeopathic treatment and those who had used such therapies but discontinued them with the start of homeopathic treatment. Nevertheless, the data obtained from the study monitoring pharmacological expenses in patients affected with respiratory pathologies suggest an advantage for the patient even when homeopathic and pharmacological therapies are combined. This finding seems to contradict the view widely held in homeopathic circles that conventional treatment previous to, or in association with, homeopathic treatment reduces the probability of success.

The 74% improvement of at least +2 (if we also include “slight” improvement the percentage rises to 91%), is consistent with that observed in previously published studies: (89% Wassenhoven,13 78% Robinson,8 70.7% Spence11); likewise, the data relative to the non-effectiveness of the therapy are also consistent (9% in this study, 8.5% in Wassenhoven). Robinson reports a higher percentage of failures (19%), which these authors related to factors such as incorrect prescriptions, or the inability of the homeopath to obtain useful information for the prescription due to the patient's reticence in talking about him/herself. In that study, 73% of prescriptions were “targeted to the pathology” (modalized symptoms, key notes, and organ affinity) in contrast to 19% of prescriptions “based on the patient” or on the totality of symptoms; in Wassenhoven's study, 68% of prescriptions related to the overall picture (therefore using a strategy based on the patient) and 18% were symptomatic.

These differences can probably also be explained in part by a prescription strategy that was not always uniform, an issue which we attempted to address in our study through a greater standardization of prescription methodology. Our clinical practice follows the classic methodology targeting the totality of symptoms.

The percentage of unresponsive patients reported by Spence (approximately 15% in children and 24–28% in female and male adults) poses the question of the impact of homeopathic therapy different age groups, an issue we have also attempted to assess in this study. Our results showed greater therapeutic effect in young patients. Witt and collaborators, who analyzed pediatric data separately from adult data from questionnaires on the quality of life completed by patients or the parents of children who were treated, have also reached a similar conclusion: young patients and patients with more serious illnesses benefit from homeopathy. This finding seems to be important in the light of some publications in the Italian National Press which reported negative conclusions or even reasons for concern regarding the use of homeopathy, above all in children: in 2001, the National Bioethics Committee16 stated that non-conventional medicine was acceptable “only in marginal and essentially harmless situations”.

The data in this case study reveal an extremely low percentage for the worsening of symptoms (0.3% reported a slight worsening) compared to data already published (3.1% Spence, 3% Robinson, 2.4% van Wassenhoven). In a prospective observational study17 also conducted at this clinic and targeted to assess the incidence and type of adverse effects in homeopathic treatment, nine adverse reactions were reported from 335 consecutive visits in the period of 1 year (2.68%). A study evaluating the different phenomena of homeopathic aggravation is currently in progress.

In our sample examined, respiratory complaints generally seem to respond best to treatment, whatever the other variables considered, followed by urological, dermatological, obstetric-gynecological and cardio-circulatory complaints. We attempted to assess which pathologies responded better to treatment within different age groups. For pathologies of the digestive tract and for dermatological problems, the success rates were better for patients under the age of 15.

Psychological disturbances generally responded less to homeopathic treatment, compared to other pathologies. In our study, this type of pathology is represented above all by anxiety–depressive syndromes (excluding severe depression), which for the most part had not been previously diagnosed, where patients chose homeopathic therapy due to fear of side-effects of psycho-pharmacological therapy.8 A targeted study seems necessary to examine the specificity of homeopathic therapy and its indications compared to other treatment systems.18 Limitations

This is a longitudinal observational study in which we considered all patients who came under our observation. There was no control group. The difficulty of carrying out randomized studies of patients who choose this method of treatment19 has often been noted and this has limited the credibility in the scientific community of the positive data in many observational studies. There is possible bias related to the doctor–patient relationship in the subjective evaluation of the symptoms on the part of the patient. A further limitation is that 70% of patients had already received pharmacological treatment and no distinction was made between previous or continuing pharmacological treatment during homeopathic therapy. Conclusion

Homeopathic therapy is associated with good results in relation to the variation of symptoms of chronic and recurring pathologies. There seem to be some specific characteristics in certain groups of pathologies and age ranges that would benefit from further investigation including, if possible, randomized, controlled studies.


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Homeopathic medical practice: long-term results of a cohort study with 3981 patients

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Measuring the effects of acupuncture and homoeopathy in general practice: an uncontrolled prospective documentation approach

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Pharmaeconomic comparison between homeopathic and antibiotic treatment strategies in recurrent acute rhinopharyngitis in children

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Cost–benefit evaluation of homeopathic vs conventional therapy in respiratory disease

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Correspondence to: Elio Rossi, Ambulatorio di omeopatia, Padiglione B, Ospedale Provinciale Campo di Marte, 55100 Lucca, Italy.

Copyright © 2009 The Faculty of Homeopathy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

#homeopathy Individualized Homeopathic Treatment and Fluoxetine for Moderate to Severe Depression in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women (HOMDEP-MENOP Study): A Randomized, Double-Dummy, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

RESEARCH ARTICLE #homeopathy Individualized Homeopathic Treatment and Fluoxetine for Moderate to Severe Depression in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women (HOMDEP-MENOP Study): A Randomized, Double-Dummy, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Emma del Carmen Macías-Cortés1,2*, Lidia Llanes-González3, Leopoldo Aguilar-Faisal1, Juan Asbun-Bojalil1 1 División de Estudios de Posgrado, Escuela Superior de Medicina, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Distrito Federal, México, 2 Consulta Externa de Homeopatía, Hospital Juárez de México, Secretaría de Salud, Distrito Federal, México, 3 Unidad de Salud Mental, Hospital Juárez de México, Secretaría de Salud, Distrito Federal, México * Abstract Background Perimenopausal period refers to the interval when women's menstrual cycles become irreg- ular and is characterized by an increased risk of depression. Use of homeopathy to treat de- pression is widespread but there is a lack of clinical trials about its efficacy in depression in peri- and postmenopausal women. The aim of this study was to assess efficacy and safety of individualized homeopathic treatment versus placebo and fluoxetine versus placebo in peri- and postmenopausal women with moderate to severe depression. Methods/Design A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, double-dummy, superiority, three-arm trial with a 6 week follow-up study was conducted. The study was performed in a public research hospital in Mexico City in the outpatient service of homeopathy. One hundred thirty-three peri- and postmenopausal women diagnosed with major depression according to DSM-IV (moderate to severe intensity) were included. The outcomes were: change in the mean total score among groups on the 17-item Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Beck Depres- sion Inventory and Greene Scale, after 6 weeks of treatment, response and remission rates, and safety. Efficacy data were analyzed in the intention-to-treat population (ANOVA with Bonferroni post-hoc test). PLOS ONE | DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0118440 March 13, 2015 1/24 OPENACCESS Citation: Macías-Cortés EdC, Llanes-González L, Aguilar-Faisal L, Asbun-Bojalil J (2015) Individualized Homeopathic Treatment and Fluoxetine for Moderate to Severe Depression in Peri- and Postmenopausal Women (HOMDEP-MENOP Study): A Randomized, Double-Dummy, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0118440. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0118440 Academic Editor: Yiru Fang, Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, CHINA Received: September 18, 2014 Accepted: January 13, 2015 Published: March 13, 2015 Copyright: © 2015 Macías-Cortés et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License , which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Data Availability Statement: Data are available upon request to the Research and Ethics Committee of National Homeopathic Hospital, Mexico City [Dr. Gustavo Aguilar-Velázquez (

Results After a 6-week treatment, homeopathic group was more effective than placebo by 5 points in Hamilton Scale. Response rate was 54.5% and remission rate, 15.9%. There was a sig- nificant difference among groups in response rate definition only, but not in remission rate. Fluoxetine-placebo difference was 3.2 points. No differences were observed among groups in the Beck Depression Inventory. Homeopathic group was superior to placebo in Greene Climacteric Scale (8.6 points). Fluoxetine was not different from placebo in Greene Climac- teric Scale. Conclusion Homeopathy and fluoxetine are effective and safe antidepressants for climacteric women. Homeopathy and fluoxetine were significantly different from placebo in response definition only. Homeopathy, but not fluoxetine, improves menopausal symptoms scored by Greene Climacteric Scale. Trial Registration NCT01635218 Protocol Publication .

You Too Can Test Homeopathy

For those who still doubt … here’s a simple little ‘homeopathy’ experiment to check if potentisation really does have an effect. Grab some common green bean seeds and divide them into two groups. In the first group (your control group) water them as per normal. In the second group, your test group, water them as well but only after adding 5 drops of potentised table salt (Nat-m 6C) per 50ml. As happened in the following research, you should see the beans from your test group grow more quickly and profusely than the control group even though a 6C potency is indistinguishable from plain water.

And where can you get the Nat-m 6C? It is easy to buy from most homeopathic pharmacies or you can make your own – its simple. Just follow the instructions found in one of the below links.

(For the purpose of this experiment, you won’t need a ‘mother tincture’ or alcohol as per the instructions. Just add approximately 1 part of common table salt to 99 parts of water. Potentisation is quite flexible so measures don’t have to be exact for an effect to take place).

So, for the price of a few beans you too can test homeopathy.

(Green beans are not the only plants you can experiment with – any plant can be affected by a homeopathic potency as Darwin himself discovered. Just Google for the growing list of homeopathic research with other plants.) Links to More Information

Bean growth research: A pilot study of the influence of Natrum muriaticum 6cH and 30cH in a standardized culture of Phaseolus vulgaris L.

Potentisation instructions: Three Scales of Potency

Darwin’s story and homeopathic plant experiments: The Surprising Story of Charles Darwin and His Homeopathic Doctor From;

My Presentation Proposal accepted at the Homeopathic Research Institute conference in Rome! Help get me there! One of my research projects has been accepted to be 'postered' (see project picture) at the Homeopathic Research Institute Conference in Rome, Italy in June 2015. I applied to present at the Homeopathic Research Institute because most of my publishing homeopathic colleagues are in Europe (and my heritage is Italian) and this is my opportunity to create important research colleagues and alliances to forward this world of research hopefully extending all the way back here to There currently is the evident catch 22 of asking a homeopath for 'the science' on homeopathy and the abismal lack of funding for homeopathic research.

Where exactly would this money go? Luckily - I am VERY good at finding deals: Conference Fee is 320Euros = CDN$543 Flight to Rome is CDN$1059 Hotel (AirBnB) 6 nights is 360 Euros =$485 Print & Ship the Poster $250 Plus transportation and food

So much can be changed with so little funding with homeopathy because of the strong principles of healing that homeopathy is based on and has been using in the very same manner for over 200 years. Once 'the science' of homeopathy can penetrate the narrow prevailing conventional medical system I see a way that it can quickly turn the tides on the current view of homeopathy and holistic medicine and allow the evidence of how perfectly useful that homeopathy can be to help ourselves, our societies and generations become healthier instead of less healthy. In essence, I am realizing the importance of 'infiltrating from within'. References made to 'the science' has become more of a belief system than the actual knowledge that science has been known to elicit. When systems become so closed and ideas so dogmatic that 'the science' is not even willing to question something in order to find the answer(s) ie. knowledge then it is no longer be described as science. I hear and see these kinds of references to 'the science' sounding more and more out of context and as if it is some kind of religion which is why I sometimes feel like it is used like a belief system. My goal is to highlight that as a societal problem with specific reference to the implications within our narrow focused health system.

As I am in the throws of trying to finish my second year of my MSc of Integrated Medicine and plan this presentation in Rome, I am started to realize how little our Canadian dollars go in Europe. Plus there is a lack of funding for research in homeopathy which is why I am asking for your own generosity - your willingness to place your dollars into the faith that there are opportunities here for us to turn the tides and change perspectives on what are important aspects of health and healing.

While reading this plea, you might wonder to yourself of the reasons that I continue to follow my attempt to offer homeopathy despite the odds. That NOT doing so feels like an abandonment of the primary code of conduct as a health practitioner ‘do no harm’ and against following the code ethics within the principles of beneficence and non-malevolence 4. If I don’t offer something that I know can benefit someone’s condition of health; then I feel that I am not acting as the compassionate human being that I know I am. If you would like to find out more, please contact me.

I feel that this little poster presentation is imperative to the forward movement of homeopathy as an option in Canada and will have very positive implications on my abilities to pursue important avenues as a rigorous and relevant researcher of holistic health options for all of us.

Homeopathy has a long history of popular use (hundreds of years). It also has a history of being criticized in North America where the medical industry is dominated by the pharmaceutical industry. Homeopathy is second only to Jesus as the two most controversial topics according to Wikipedia 1.

Considering my previous career in political advocacy focusing on environmental and conservation issues, I sometimes ask myself; Is that what attracted me to homeopathy? No! It was the fact that once I gave it a try for my lifetime struggle with de-habilitating eczema, it did something that nothing else could do for me and so I was ecstatic 2. That success indeed was what made me passionate about ensuring that people have ACCESS and know about homeopathy as an option if they so choose.

Fortunately (unfortunately?), that passion has led me here – writing to justify the amazing healing that I am now able to do for many others, now that I’ve spent over ten years continuing to study all aspects of homeopathy above and beyond my four year diploma requirement in order to call myself a homeopathic practitioner 3. Luckily I now have access to University level databases of research publication and you - reading this are lucky too, because I am writing to share this with you and others who can make a choice (and a donation) towards making important changes.


1. last accessed January 9, 15.

2.Medhurst, R. (2013). Homoeopathy for Eczema. Journal Of The Australian Traditional-Medicine Society, 19(2), 104-106.

3. last accessed January 9, 15.

4. last accessed January 9, 15. Risks and challenges Risks and Challenges. This project may get the attention of some skeptics and could be somehow interpreted as a negative project, however, as outlined above, this is not from a love of rigorous science but for a fear of change. This - I have discovered is just part and parcel of being a professionally sought after homeopathic practitioner and will not deter me from my passion for the truth and knowledge of true health and healing for everyone.